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MOTIVATION – A feeling or desire that makes one do something.
SUCCESS – The result that was hoped for.
SUCCESS MOTIVATION – Achieving the result hoped for through an initial feeling or desire to do something.

This SCWL program gives the subconscious mind attitudes of doing and achieving. It creates the motivation for success. Responsibility for success lies within each of us. It creates the action that is needed and commands the achievement of your goals. It builds confidence in meeting challenges and turns problems into opportunities for improvement. Ultimately, your problems become your achievements. It was designed to create the ability to plan work and work those plans for success. You will do what needs to be done. You will believe in yourself and your ability to motivate yourself towards success in any direction you choose and believe in.
  • Details

    I motivate myself; I will do the little extras that will make me more successful; I will be successful at whatever I do because I can do anything I believe in; I believe in me; I achieve; I get things done; I am a doer; I set goals; I achieve my goals and I am successful

    Other SCWL programs recommended for use with this technique: Although program #14 needs no help, this program, with program #14 Stop Procrastination, and many other SCWL programs, will build a solid mental foundation for success. We recommend #5 The Best in You, #16 Think Yourself to Greater Riches, #47 Develop a Winner’s Attitude and #63 Personal Power Dynamics.
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