#71 – Imagination – The Teacher Inside You
Unfortunately, too many people associate the word imagination with children. Imagination is one of the most powerful forces with us today. Without it, we would never have been on the moon, nor had the rocket that sent men there. Computers would not be part of our life, nor telephones and radios and TVs. We would be walking, possibly without shoes, had not the human mind taken advantage of imaginative thought. Nothing was ever created by mankind that was not first an imaginative thought.
Imagination is the most general term and the freest from derogatory connotation. It may apply to the representation either of what is remembered, or of what has never been experienced in its entirety, or of what is actually non-existent. It is a creation of the mind.
The SCWL program was designed to help you keep your mind always open to ideas. It helps you to turn creative ideas into reality. You are creative; you see things and develop them in your mind. You will be able to learn from your imagination in positive ways. Your imagination is good, it is like a teacher, and you will be creative with its use.
Other SCWL programs recommended for use with this technique are programs #12 Total Concentration, #15 Develop your Creativity, #16 Think Yourself to Greater Riches, #33 The Unlimited Power of Positive Thinking, #37 Meditation and #70 Enthusiasm.
Other SCWL programs recommended for use with this technique are programs #5 The Best in You, #13 Overcoming Shyness, #15 Develop Your Creativity, #30 Self-Confidence, #31 Elevate Your Self-Image, and #63 Personal Power Dynamics.
Your mind is always open to ideas; my imagination turns my creative ideas into reality; my mind is a teacher inside me; I learn from my imagination; I let my mind dream; I dream and learn; I am creative; I use my imagination in positive ways